iPhone Most Common Problems 2022 | Mobile Campus
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Common iPhone Problems

15 April, 2022
Faisal Qadeer

It is not a big deal that you have the latest mobile phone with the latest software version or has an older iPhone with an older IOS version. It matters that it is functional or not. The iPhone is just like an electronic device. It may have problems – but it should work when you need it. 

Battery Problem

Few iPhone users complain about its battery problem. Like the battery is not charging, slowly charged, drain battery fastly or wireless charging is not working well.

Solution: At very first, test your charging cable with another device, which is charging correctly.

Test your device with another charger to ensure the mobile phone charged fine.

Force restart your iPhone to fix the charging problem temporarily.

Force restart also resolves the issue of the mobile battery-life. Moreover, unnecessary applications should close while not in use.

Cracked Screen

Mostly handy devices broke by sudden drop or slipping by hand. A mobile phone with a cracked screen looks very irritating. A cracked screen might work fine, but it can cause finger injury or having a risk of sudden failure to respond.

Solution: It’s better to repair or replace it with a new glass screen as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may lead to LCD failure.

Mobile Campus offers the best screen replacement services in New South Wales, Australia. You can search for them to get quick quality service at reasonable prices.

Cracked Screen

Mostly handy devices broke by sudden drop or slipping by hand. A mobile phone with a cracked screen looks very irritating. A cracked screen might work fine, but it can cause finger injury or having a risk of sudden failure to respond.

Solution: It’s better to repair or replace it with a new glass screen as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may lead to LCD failure.

Mobile Campus offers the best screen replacement services in New South Wales, Australia. You can search for them to get quick quality service at reasonable prices.

Water Damage

Mobile phones are water-resistant, do not consider them waterproof. Keep away your handy devices from water or liquids.

Solution: Wipe out the mobile with dry cloth or cotton instantly.

Remove the SIM card from the mobile.

Do not mistake it for plug in or power it on. It may cause circuit failure and damage permanently.

Water damage may cause data loss. But there is no need to worry about data that is restorable by signing in to iTunes or iCloud.

iPhone Water Damage Repair

Frozen Screen

Screen freezing is that the iPhone screen is not responding, and denies to turn on or halt occasionally. Several iPhone users also complained that their mobile phone is not working in cold temperatures. And this problem occurs just for a short time. As soon as the surrounding heat becomes suitable, the iPhone starts working.

Solution: If you lock the mobile phone and then unlock it, it may fix the problem.

Call Connectivity Issues

A very hectic problem, connectivity problems may lead to a drop in the call. Several people complain about this problem. First of all, it matters a lot where you are located, and does the signal work correctly at that place?

Solution: Restart your mobile phone.

Check network settings in the iPhone. Go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings. Test the network again.

Face ID Recognition Issue

People use face identification to unlock their mobile phones quickly and urgently, but it seems that face identification does not work instantly.

Solution: Surrounding should be well lighted, and don’t wear any substance on your face.

The iPhone mobile should be up to date.

Go to Settings> Face ID & Passcode>Reset Face ID>follow the steps to set it again.

Do not Power off

Some of the users report that the iPhone is not being Power Off.

Solution: Hold down the Home Button with the sleep button until the Apple logo displays on the mobile home screen. Now the phone will function properly.

Volume Button Stuck

Sometimes the volume button stuck on mute, and the user finds it inconvenient while beloved ones call to the mobile. Volume up or volume down buttons are not working.

Solution: Turn on airplane mode.

Go to Settings>Accessibility>Assistive touch>turn on Assistive Mode. It enables you to manage the iPhone from Home Screen.


Overheating is the most common issue with mobile phones. Sometimes, an iPhone gets heated up just like it will burn your hand. Some reasons cause device to overheat:

  • Fast battery draining.
  • Several apps are running at a time.
  • GPS working consumes a lot of battery.

Solution: Close the apps that are not in use.

Restart the iPhone.

The software should update.

Assure all the Applications should update.

Conclusion:Hopefully, the above most common iPhone problems and their solutions are helpful. If you encounter any iPhone hardware and software problems, you are welcome to the Mobile Campus for proficient, reliable services.